Ultimate Guide: Which Skills To Unlock First In Forspoken

This Ultimate Guide will break down all of the skills in Forspoken, and tell you which ones to focus on first.

Forspoken Best Skills List

  1. Red Magic: Vine Surge
  2. Frey’s Purple Magic tree- All others should be spent on Frey’s Purple Magic tree until everything is unlocked, then you can start using the other colored trees in their place (we recommend the blue first)
  3. Blue Magic: Turbulence
  4. Green Magic: Time Dilation

Frey’s Purple Magic Skill Tree

Frey’s Purple Magic skill tree balances close-range, long-range, AoE, and defensive options. It represents a blend of styles that will be improved upon later on as you level up other skills.

Here are some spells you should consider adding to your repertoire as you expand beyond the basic set:

  • Tendril: Frey uses a vine to smack enemies in the immediate area around her, healing herself for small percentage of the damage dealt. This skill can be useful early on when dealing with groups of enemies that like to surround you—they’re hard enough to lock onto even without using your other weapons, so use Tendrils whenever they appear!
  • Screen: This passive spell surrounds Frey with boulders that protect her from enemy attacks. Screen is a great, low-cost way to increase defense at the beginning of each level while your skills are leveling up!
  • Scatter Shot Lv. 3: This high-impact shot is capable of destroying monsters with a single blow and also deals great damage to enemies on the battlefield’s edge, making it an excellent long range attack spell that you should try to unlock early on in your adventure. It is especially useful when fighting flying enemies and distant foes, a necessity during late-game boss fights.
  • Burst Shot Lv. 3: This skill lets you throw an explosive rock that deals high damage over a wide area—it’s basically the opposite of Scatter Shot, so get it as soon as possible if you want to do more damage in PvE. For a little while, the two spells will be your best option for close and long-range combat.

Red Magic Skill Tree

The Red Magic skill tree holds functional traversal skills and abilities that increase Frey’s offensive power outside combat. However, since this tree doesn’t contain any attacks with a long-range or significant area effect, it is best used for exploiting enemy weaknesses by attacking from behind or below. The following skills are in high demand:

  • Soar: Soaring is a parkour skill that allows Frey to jump up the side of a wall, gaining extra height and enabling them to reach higher ledges. It’s beneficial for climbing obstacles without wasting time looking for another way around them.
  • Rush: Frey can sprint faster by pressing buttons well-timed to her gait. This allows you to run for long periods without tiring.
  • Drag and Drop: Frey uses this skill to draw enemies into melee range, automatically switching skills and combining perfectly with Arc Slice.
  • Arc Slice Lv. 3: Arc Slice, when leveled up to its third stage, sends out a shockwave much more potent than Tendril. The Drag and Drop move will ensnare any enemy pulled into its range—and is made even better by adding Arc Slices’ new area-of-effect attack.

Blue Magic Skill Tree

The blue skill tree offers more subtle ways to enhance combat, granting passive buffs and a useful status effect.

  • Up and Away: This powerful skill launches Frey into the air and replenishes her supply of water-based attacks. Like Drag and Drop, this move can be used at any time to switch your attack set from whatever you have been using back to Blue Magic.
  • Alb: This Support Move applies icy armor to Frey that greatly reduces any damage taken from one unblockable or piercing attack. Alb should be used at the beginning of tough fights, then swapped out for a different support move until you need to reset ice armor in order take on tougher foes.
  • Float: Using Float, Frey can remain in the air for up to ten seconds. This gives her plenty of time to land safely from heights that would otherwise cause damage.This is a tricky one to find, being in the southernmost part of Visoria’s fount of blessing.
  • Eagre: Eagre is a water barrier that creates knockback effects on surrounding enemies when used.

Green Magic Skill Tree

Green Magic is a mighty skill tree that uses long-range attacks and tricky support spells to help Frey escape challenging situations. If you want to boost your career, here’s a list of skills that will help:

  • Hide and Seek: Hide and Seek is another color swap ability like Drag and Drop or Up and Away. Frey fires projectiles while warping behind the enemy, avoiding all potential damage if timed correctly—but only when using Green Magic.
  • Sublimation: This Support Magic, Sublimation, will heal Frey over time by absorbing life force from the surrounding area. It helps heal her when you’re out in the open world and low on healing items—or I seem off her game that day!
  • Compulsion: The Compulsion creates three floating mines that will explode in huge AoEs if they touch enemies. The blast radius is so large groups huddled close together stand no chance of avoiding the damage—you can even trigger them manually by shooting at them yourself!
  • Pulse Dart Lv. 3: Although most of the Attack Magic in this tree is quite powerful, Pulse Dart is already available from the beginning. The attack shoots beams of light that home on any enemies hit by the signature Green Magic darts—and its long distance makes it especially useful against flying creatures. The auto-targeting makes Pulse Dart so effective; you don’t even need to look directly at enemies to deal heavy damage.


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