HITMAN Freelancer 3.140 Update Patch Notes, What’s New & Fixed

HITMAN Freelancer Update 3.140 is now live, adding new content and fixes to the game.

Hey, everyone! I’m David Jones, and this is my co-host, 2244. We’re here to talk about the latest update for Hitman: World of Assassination (HWA). You’ll notice many patch notes here, so I’ve got to wrap this up.

We’re currently in maintenance, so some important stuff is on the screen. Buckle up—it’s going to be a long one. Please understand that this is just a summary of the patch notes for our partnered accounts.

Welcome to the first official notes for Hitman World of assassination. This document is a reference point where all future updates and content can be found in one place. Exciting news: we’ve released the patch notes for Hitman Freelancer, our final update of Year 2! We’ve been working on making the new roguelike mode as good as possible, so we have yet to publish many of our fixes for Old School Runescape. However, you can find out what has changed since early November by reading last month’s blog post.

And we’ve just released the full version of Hitman Freelancer. Make sure to spend some time reading our blog post on how to play, which will help you get started in no time! I’ve already gone over those in previous videos, so if you want to check those out (they’re all on my recent uploads list), they’ll explain everything.

Hitman Three will undergo a maintenance update on Thursday, January 26th, from 11:00 AM UTC to 4:00 PM. The game will be updated to version 3 point 1/4 across all platforms—PS5(X), Xbox One, XBOX Series, and PC. Updates will be posted on the official Hitman Twitter account if maintenance is extended. The patch size will vary depending on your platform: 1.5 gigs – 8 gigs.

When maintenance is complete, you can access the latest version of Hitman Freelancer. This new single-player mode introduces roguelike elements—such as procedural generation and permanent death for your character—strategic planning and customizable safe houses; today, you can become an international assassin and eliminate the most dangerous syndicates in the world of assassination. They mention again in this patch notes that they’re adding support for NVIDIA’s DLS 3.0 Optical Flow technology to the drivers. However, there is no word yet on when we can expect them to release it. NVIDIA Freestyle and Low Latency, two new features, were added to the 3.140 release that players can now enjoy due to this update. Freestyle uses AI to optimize frame rate by generating additional high-quality frames while lowering latency.

Responsiveness with NVIDIA reflex, low latency.DLS frame generation requires a GeForce RTX 40 series graphics card. And video response helps DLS frame generation achieve maximum performance and reduce latency—players will experience a more responsive and responsive feel when playing games! NVIDIA GeForce 900 series and higher graphics cards have an “NVIDIA reflex” set in the graphical user interface. For more information about DLS 3, you can jump over to NVIDIA. If you’re not on PC and don’t have an RTX 40 series characters card—and even then, it’s still pretty expensive—I don’t think anyone will be playing this game anytime soon.”

With a 40 series graphics card, great news: You can enjoy Hitman with the Direct Lighting system. However, it is optional because 30 series cards still run perfectly fine on this version. This is an option if you want to play Hitman at a higher frame rate than 60 fps and in 4K. The next section of the patch notes lists improvements and changes made as part of this upgrade. We’ve changed several aspects of the game experience to fit its new name and branding. The games icon, PC launcher, boot screen—even the attraction screen!—have all been updated in keeping with our new world of assassination. The game’s hub now features a clear choice of playing the story or freelancing to make it easier for new players to get acquainted with the mechanics.

A new “live” tab will feature the most recent targets, contracts, and other content related to elusive creatures. This means you can still track down rare animals even if they are no longer on your hotlist! Despite their reluctance to continue with the project, they’re still here and haven’t given up on me yet; those people were worried about losing suits as targets. Yes, they’re continuing to support. That’s equivalent to confirming it directly from them. New players can now begin their game at the ICA facility location.

We’ve updated the sound effects, credits, and legal line on Freelancer’s launch to ensure that new players will have their best experience with our game. The “Ice” soundtrack and the main menu screen are excellent, but unfortunately, they didn’t improve the stability of Hitman 3.

Various bugs have been addressed, making the game more stable. Additionally, we’ve expanded toggle run options so players can turn it on by default to enjoy a smoother gameplay experience. Now The player can toggle run on or off at any time by holding the button down. When activated, 47’s speed will persist even when he stops moving—the icon in the bottom left will show his current pace.

Running is now a press-to-hold action rather than a toggle. When you begin to run with 47 (while already walking), it will accelerate quickly; if the player stops moving and releases the button, his speed will reset back to walking. This means that when players want to start running in speed mode and accidentally bump into something or someone due *to not* pressing on time — they can hold it again till enough momentum is built up. We’ve fixed a bug that caused the hidden statue in Sandoval to remain uncovered even though it should have been.

We’ve fixed an issue where performing a save/load cycle and setting the difficulty to something different than what you started with would cause the game not to reflect that change, i.e., additional cameras or NPCs wouldn’t be added if it was on the master (hardest) before but easy after saving then loading back your challenge. That was a strange book, but I’m glad they fixed that challenge. And also made it consistent—we’ve updated the menu order to sort challenges in more of a more logical manner (so now Tier 1 will appear before anything else).

Because it was always weird when you went on the escalations—like Track 2, Tier 7, or whatever, then you’ll see that many tracks and tiers will be listed in random order: track 1-tier 6, and vice versa. The list is in numerical order, reflecting how it should have been from the beginning. Agent 17—we’ve updated your suit image to remember what it looks like when you’re locked out of a challenge. Let her dance! We resolved an issue where various UI elements, such as menus and onscreen text, occasionally flash or jitter when the player rapidly moves their camera.

We’ve overhauled the Paris map’s audio properties to align it with current standards. These changes were implemented last year but never released—until now!

We’ve changed how we handle sound propagation so that sounds will be heard more realistically from one room to another—for example, you can listen to water spilling into a fountain at the entrance of any given building. Previously (that is to say, before this update), each environment was treated as a separate space; You can hear the music clearly throughout the entire palace when it is played from any of history’s most famous fashion shows. Finally, broken glass windows now act as sound barriers—making it possible for you to listen in on conversations on the other side.

New background, positional, and 3D sound assets have been added to the insides and outsides of the palace to add more variation in ambient audio. Crowds should also be better at spreading out through space as they move from area to area. We’ve upgraded the group to Hitman 3’s spatialized crowds system. This gives listeners the sensation that sounds are coming from different regions around them, not just directly beside or in front of their ears. We’ve replaced our algorithmic reverbs with more realistic ones, making rooms sound more believable.

We created a new wise event and did a complete mix pass on the whole level to the standards we included in Hitman’s three locations. So overall, Paris audio is going to be much better from now on! I’ve resolved an issue with the right for the picking. Trophy slash achievement from Mendoza could be locked in Haven Island. That’s weird.

Hawkes Bay puddle—We removed the visibly floating reservoir from the beach in Hawkes Bay. Once we did this, it became apparent that there were visible seam lines, like the puddle was accidentally hiding other content beneath its surface. We’ve tied that little issue up by removing the puddle decals from the seams and with some vertex painting. Excellent trespassing! We’ve fixed a bug that caused 47 to be marked as trespassing for walking on sure stairs even though he had permission.

Despite being reported as an issue and having been fixed, the problem has since reemerged. We believe this is because of a new trespass zone on the stairs that leads into a corridor below where the glitch was occurring; before, it had only happened when going down into that corridor from above. That trespass zone didn’t go far enough to reach 47 feet, so it shouldn’t have made a difference. But now we’ve tweaked it, and the issue hasn’t reoccurred since—which is excellent news!

We’ve fixed an issue where several lighting problems could occur in the second room of Paris, so lights would not appear, and others would flicker and disappear from view because they had an extended draw distance or shadows. At close distance, the lights disappeared just before they should have illuminated the scene. Enabling ray tracing or changing light settings made no difference to these issues. To address this issue, we changed how Unity prioritizes shadow fade lengths and attenuations for lights coming into a room.

Added a light that goes on whenever the opening center door is visible on the left side of the screen (which was not there before). Here’s what the fixed area now looks like. One by Tower tragedy—the fall of society is upon us all…He was punished for killing an NPC from cover near the Crows Guard tower: a collision box confines him to his home base.

We’ve fixed an issue where one of Rico Delgado’s insane guards in Santa Fortuna would become part of the wall, surprising 47 as he tried to climb past him. We also fixed an issue where 1847 was able…no more tree climbing for you! If the world’s greatest assassin isn’t willing to jump, he doesn’t belong on the climbing wall. We’ve blocked this area now.

Some security cameras would stop displaying footage after 4 to 7 camera takes were used.

The camera issue that made it impossible for 47 to hide from enemies by using the menu prompt has been fixed. This was caused when 47 tried to use his camera near a door because he would hit both prompts simultaneously—the open door button and the take photo button. I remapped the hide button and menu prompt to avoid this problem. This situation is improbable, but I saw it happen when the third Hitman game came out. We’ve fixed an issue that allowed player characters to scale the walls and barriers at either end of the tunnel underpass, which is located at the very start of this level.

I’ve seen this elsewhere, too—in Dubai, for example. A woman was standing on a balcony that looked like she might topple over the edge at any moment. Those who have seen the photo will know what I’m talking about: there’s one where she is floating, her upper body held up by a rail or stool. I’m not sure if they’ve fixed the problem yet, but it’s a widespread issue I’ve seen elsewhere.

I’ve previously shown this in a walkthrough video on how to pass the second mission of Sapienza. We resolved an issue regarding whether Prince could use the same blending spot as Agent 47 in church. We’ve given them their own space on the walkthrough for either the arcade version or—I think it’s one of them anyway: The Prince Louis target. And, well … It looks like a very hairy French guy is cuddling 47! Hahaha.

However, they have since resolved an issue that caused the Black Hellman’s dagger not to work correctly. The Haven Island lock was missing sound effects when attacking NPCS from any direction. This issue was resolved so players could again use the stem cells in an assassination. Sometimes the game freezes when an NPC is talking. You never know why this happens either; it happens occasionally.

The 47th universe would remove the Hokkaido SPA as a possible location for MPCS to be sick, similar to what happened in Bangkok. However—for all your emetic poison needs!—we’ve added one outside this bar at the bottom of the ramp. At least they’re offering you an alternative place to appear if the weather conditions don’t permit your planned event. Glove powers were also fixed so that signature suits with gloves would no longer stay dry during rainstorms—the regular signature suit was already working this way previously, So it must have been something to do with the gloves. The only explanation for triggering remote flash explosive devices that had already detonated was invisible touch.

If a bomb were concealed within the briefcase, it would remain functional but become entirely visible. If another bomb is placed inside and then detonated, that hidden one will not go off—but neither will the explosive continue working after being “eaten” by this new detonation. A legal issue was resolved. A point in which 47 would be called a brave warmer has been settled. The excellent man from the landslide is wearing the lawyer disguise on Dartmoor.

He should have been addressed as Mr. Ford, the lawyer whose name appears on Dartmoor’s map. As there is no line for Dartmoor lawyers in our database, guards will find another way to address 47 appropriately—perhaps by referring to him simply as “sir.” We’ve changed so that the controller layout shown on the pause screen will now update to reflect how you have configured your controls. These options were implemented in our October 2022 map patch. Still, people failed to notice this since their controllers would not be updated by default.

We’ve addressed an issue where the score screen shown after completing a sniper assassin mission would incorrectly display AS0000 but be correctly reflected on Leaderboards. The problem was that the time indicated on the first screen was only sometimes correct. We’ve now fixed this and ensured all times are represented correctly.

This is another thing that people, including me, have noticed. Apron adjustment—we’ve resolved an issue where aprons were not correctly displayed and meshed with the character model. We fixed this problem by tweaking all aprons’ aligned and aligned properties to ensure they render without clipping. Now all the aprons look fine from both front and back. As they were before, they made a mess of it. So again, that’s good—a lot. They bothered many people, including me, so I’m glad to hear the issue has been resolved. Their rocky terrain should keep our NBCs from clipping with chairs when picking up magazines. This was caused by the chair not quite aligning with the ground. Similar cases in which sitting NPCs appear floating have also been fixed.

Ambrose Island’s AI dialogue gaps have been filled several places, improving emotional resonance. These include missing guard dialogue, acting suspicious in disguise (I’ve never heard that before—does anyone have a sample?), or placeholder robotic voices triggered instead of the final recordings.

After unlocking the guerrilla war suit through the umbrella mastery track, players could see two identical versions in the planning stage. We’ve since resolved this issue. We have fixed an issue with barrel shadows, where some shades from the fire barrels—especially on Ambrose Island—would display unrealistically. This feature aims to give players an overview of which elusive targets have been completed and which are still outstanding. However, some people—including me!—find it frustrating that failed or missed targets aren’t marked as such once you’ve moved on from them. There is no way to undo the effects of pursuing 100% completion throughout a game.

People get a kick out of it, but unfortunately, so do I. There’s no kicking or pushing in the train carriages now—it counts as a kill!

This bubblegum-flavored candy—known as the “bubble Queen” and manufactured by Seven Deadly Sins, Ltd.—was outlawed on casual maps because it’s so delicious. The chewing of gum has now been banned in all public venues. Or do people dislike this item because they think it is too powerful? I don’t mind lethal gum and understand the need for an emetic metric, but when an article has one of these powers, why can’t we have a second copy that doesn’t work quite well?

It will be a welcome diversion for those who like to solve crossword puzzles and other word games. Muffins are delicious, but they can also be used to gain an advantage over other players. We’ve fixed the issue where players could use muffins against their opponents by exploiting that fact. We will introduce this bug again in a later patch, but only after we implement the muffin trick. Until then, sorry, Speedrunners!

They also did this with violins, and Muffin has done it in Chongqing. Although you can skip steps and get out of bounds—a process known as “exploiting”—this has been fixed. But that concludes the entire patch list.

That’s a lot to take in, so before we go. I am revealing something: I booted up my console earlier this morning and noticed an item in the store that is no longer there. It may be added later today or announced later. Still, I saw a DLC cosmetic pack—Hitman: World of Assassination.

It was called The Munch Pack and included several items on a list I quickly jotted down before the sale ended. You can see screenshots of that list if you still need to look at them. Feel free to leave now if you’re not interested in reading about this stuff. I just wanted to warn you that it will be featured on your consoles anyway—it’ll probably end up coming with the system update when we get one. First, you get a cape to wear during rainstorms. Next are the Catana (a sword made from an old machete), your first gun, and shotgun shells. Then comes the SMG-like 9mm weapon, which can be fired in 3-round bursts—perfect for sniping at long distances! Finally, there is the Assault Rifle with 100 rounds of ammo that can take out enemies quickly or do significant damage if used properly.

There will likely be more than one DLC pack, which will become a regular thing.

There are about five. At least, that’s my speculation, but considering this has been removed straight away, it means Sony messed up somewhere and should have yet to reveal what they did. I am still determining the equivalent price for everyone else worldwide, but that’s what it was when I saw it. But now they’ve deleted their reveal online and probably told stores to quiet down about this deal, so people get surprised in stores instead! So yeah, if you’re interested in this stuff, go crazy and buy it. I probably will, too, showcase what a genius Brad is!


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