Compare Xbox Series S and PlayStation 4 Pro: 4 Teraflop GPU Performance, 4K resolution, and Storage

Compare the Xbox Series S and PlayStation 4 Pro: 4 Teraflop GPU, 4K resolution, storage, and features. Choose the best console for you.

As we are moving forward in the current generation of consoles, we are seeing a lack of true current-gen software being released. Instead, many key games are being released on both eighth-gen and ninth-gen consoles to maximize sales. One console that has been causing controversy is the Xbox Series S. Despite being a current-gen machine, it has some deficits in GPU and RAM compared to the PS5 and Series X. This can lead to some issues in certain games.

To understand how the Xbox Series S performs, we looked at a selection of 2022’s biggest releases and game updates compared to the PS4 Pro. The PS4 Pro has a similar GPU configuration to the Series S, both having about 4 teraflop GPUs and similar memory transfer rates. However, the Series S has some advantages such as a faster, smoother experience due to its Zen 2-based CPU technology and NVMe storage.

In the comparison to the Xbox One X, last year, the Series S had a hard time competing, but this year with the PS4 Pro as the comparison point, there has been a shift in favor of the Series S. Games like Cyberpunk 2077 and The Callisto Protocol, which are designed for current-gen hardware, perform better on the Series S than the PS4 Pro and even the Xbox One X. Despite the resolution advantage, the Series S delivers a richer and less compromised version of the game with improved performance.


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